About Us

We’re More Than A Virtual Assistant
Elevate You VA team

We are a unique group of virtual assistants who strive to go above and beyond for not only our clients, but for our families, our communities, and our company.

We take pride in the work that we do to bring success to our clients.

We are a company that invests in its people/employees to cultivate strengths and to develop areas in order to advance and elevate ourselves and each other.

Our focus is on people and doing good to others.

We want to see you grow.

We want to elevate not only your business but also want to elevate you!

We want to alleviate you from your daily repetitive tasks, and in turn, your life easier by taking things off your plate.

No wasted time. No wasted money. No empty promises.

Work with Us


About Us -Elevate You VA

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men

Colossians 3:23, ESV



Treat yourself and enjoy your life

  • Quality of work

  • Trained and ready to give you back your time

  • Timely Support